We hope everyone is saving the date October 22nd for our annual fundraising dinner at the Hart Crown Banquet Hall with Dana Mandi’s delectable Indian food! There will be entertainment, a silent auction and Hilary’s slides showing the work in India. Please find the invitation on this website and book your reservation now so you don’t miss out on this fabulous evening. It always sells out!
Lesley and Hilary will be going to India this November to spend time again with SAMUHA and to see all their progress. They have hired a new orthotic/prosthetic technician and recently they celebrated World Spinal Cord Injury Week, when Doctors and personnel came from the neighbouring Medical College to view the centre and they promised to support this valuable work.
We will discuss with SAMUHA whether we should continue taking Canadian students with us to India, on an annual basis, or if they have other more pressing needs we should help with. It is two years since Hilary has been there, as Andrea was there for 6 months last winter with several resource personnel, so it will be interesting to see the changes. We will come back with plenty of new slides and hopefully a video. We will also have extensive talks with the Director and with the disability workers to see what the new needs are.
We will be taking $20,000.00 with us as our annual donation, funds mostly being raised through our fundraising dinners. We will sit with the Director while we are there to go over the budget for 2017. SAMUHA is very grateful for all the funds raised by SODA at our dinners and these funds all go to help the families with disability.
Thank you for your continued support.